Day Three Hundred and Forty-eight

Feest Isolation Days –25 February 2021

Stuff! My study is filled with it…I can’t find things sometimes and wonder why!  If things go to plan I have another four and a bit months until we are back to whatever normal is going to be!  Perhaps it’s time to clear the decks and have a good session of tossing.  But wait…how long have we been in lockdown?  Nearly a year. And I haven’t done any of these clearing things, so will I do them now?  I doubt it!  What about you? What clearing haven’t you done that you totally intended to at some point.  When there was enough time. When you could focus on the job at hand.  We aren’t going to do these things that we haven’t yet done in Lockdown are we? Finally, after thinking about this for some time I’ve come to the realisation that I LIKE my study the way it is!  OK so occasionally I can’t find an important item and after twenty minutes or so of searching I give up. What will help sort that?  My entire life I’ve not been able to find things once in awhile.  Did it stop me from being productive?  Or happy?  Nope! 

That’s that then.  No sorting to do in the next four months.

What else did I want to do when Lockdown arrived?  Write.  I think we could all agree I’ve done a bit of that. Now you’re talking!  It hasn’t been easy, I don’t always find the words I want or the ideas that I’d like but I do it anyway!  Funny that.  So no to clearing rooms, yes to doing what I really really want to do.  My study is clean by the way and I’m not too much of a hoarder so it will do.

What did you want to do?  Or what have you longed to do and never thought you had enough time?  The clock is ticking! We have another four and a bit months of lockdown to fill.  Go for it!  This time will never ever be returned to us again…at least we hope that’s the case!  So it’s now or eventually. If you are never ever going to get around to it, maybe it isn’t all that important to you.

Get stuck in to whatever YOU want to do…we’ll soon be back into cafes and theatres and films and museums and trips to London and there won’t be enough time to do the things you really want to do anymore.  Or maybe there will be.  Perhaps Lockdown has taught us a few lessons.  I hope so!  I like all this writing.  And my study is pretty amazing just the way it is!  It’s had a few additions over Lockdown, but I can’t say I got rid of too much.  Ah well.  Such is life.  Lockdown or no lockdown!

Enjoy!  Stay safe.  It isn’t over yet be we are getting there!

With love,

Kathy x