Day Three Hundred and Forty-one

Feest Isolation Days –18 February 2021

Spring is inching its way towards us.  The birds are chirping away and the bulbs are  beginning to show.  In addition to the snowdrops and the crocuses already out we watch for the imminent arrival of our first daffodils.  Soon!  All in good time.

Covid restrictions relaxations aren’t going to be announced until Monday but papers are already telling  us what they think they know will happen.  They can’t wait!  Ministers are in discussions with, not just scientists, but industry leaders, and of course that means there will be much speculation swilling around. 

The Daily Mail lays out all the plans as they see it over the next few months and the good news is that, along with the rest of the press, they seem to think the process of unlocking will be gradual. All the papers appear to be in agreement that there will be no firm dates announced for easing lockdown, but instead, there will be plans based on science and the evidence. For once, they don’t seem to be moaning.  It is somehow heartening to see that even the more right-wing press are suggesting that the unlocking will be gradual.  Who knows if they have all their facts right, the government has yet to formally comment, but preparing people in this way is actually not a bad idea.  We shall see the official information soon enough!

Never thought i would see you quoting the Daily Mail! Ed.

In America, the political landscape is changing. Trump can’t stop himself from tearing away at the Republican Party and internecine fighting might be on for a while.  It is good to have him out of the limelight.  He remains a dangerous man.  Let’s hope he’s stopped.  Roll on criminal charges for his shocking behaviour in Georgia in trying to skew the election his way.  That might help shut him up for a bit. We can live in hope.

Here, it’s scheduling day again.  Each Wednesday we plan our week’s food and place our orders online  for the next week.  It comes around so fast!   It will be interesting as we unlock to see how comfortable we are in going back to “normal.”  A bit of science to help us make non-covid decisions will definitely be needed.  Will we wear masks in shops, or on public transport when we return? When we go to London (!!) will we wear masks and distance in museums, or at the theatre?  When will we feel more confident about these things? It’s been nice spending an entire year without having a cold or flu.  What can we take forward to ensure that we don’t pick up other people’s other viruses in the future?  The fact that we are beginning to think about such things is indeed in itself healthy.  Spring, as well as the end of lockdown is on its way…not here yet, but we are beginning to see the beginnings of baby green shoots! 

Take care, stay safe and enjoy!

With love,

Kathy x