Day Three Hundred and Sixty-six

Feest Isolation Days –15  March 2021

The saying “the first day of the rest of my life” seems appropriate on the first day of the second year of lockdown.  Officially lockdown began in the UK on the 23 of March, but we started early, so year two begins early as well! 

When I started writing Feest Isolation Days I had no idea how long I would be at it. And now the question is – when should I stop?  When does it make sense to say goodbye and return to keeping in touch with all of you in a different, more conventional way?  As we begin to take small steps to entering some of the ways of our old life, my plans for writing will also take a different turn.  Many of you wonderful friends who have been reading these missives tell me that they have helped you during this lockdown time. For that I am truly grateful!

As we move into the next phase of Covid, we are all going to have to make some adjustments to our routines once more.  The roadmap that has been set out for us in the UK is gradually moving us forward into society.  As there is a plan for unlocking our future, I, too have made a plan for Feest Isolation Days.  Most of you seem to be reading these words on a weekly basis.  From this week, I will begin to write on a weekly, instead of daily basis.  I will carry that on for the next few months and hope to end with a fanfare when, hopefully, restrictions are lifted for us all in June.  From this week, you will find an entry every Friday.  Perhaps it will become part of your end of week routine!

Thanks so much for continuing to read what I am writing and for your many kind words over the year.  I’ll see you on Friday!

In the meantime, have a great week, and don’t forget…it isn’t quite over yet but we are getting there!  Wear those masks, wash those hands, socially distance and Enjoy!

With love,

Kathy x

2 thoughts on “Day Three Hundred and Sixty-six”

  1. Kathy, dearest, now is as good a time as any to say thank you for your wonderful, uplifting words. You have found a positive side to – or at least a way to cope with – almost every situation this ghastly virus has thrown at us. You’ve amused and intrigued and informed us with all the stories that come to your mind as life under lockdown evolves. It is unbelievable that it has been a whole year. Who could ever imagined that? When the threat of restrictions entered the news agenda a year ago, didn’t we all assume it would just be a few weeks of inconvenience and being careful? I know I did. How wrong I was.

    Let’s sincerely hope that it is not too much longer before we can meet up, share a meal and a glass of wine…. bliss…..

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