Day Four Hundred and Twelve

Feest Isolation Days –30 April 2021

It is increasingly feeling like we are nearly at the end of term.  I have my second jab on Saturday and that really will make my world of Covid feel much less scary.

Our hearts go out to those in India who are struggling with the ravages of the virus. The world does seem to be sending help as they can, but the country is huge and the problem enormous.  Let’s hope that the help they receive makes a difference to many. 

Here, life is beginning to really open up again!  After a walk into the Village last week, I went into a shop and bought a new plant stand.  Our old one was about to fall apart and I’ve looked and looked online, but couldn’t find anything.  The first visit to a non food shop since last March!  We picked up the new-to-us plant stand (it’s an old one) on Friday and decided that we would go for our first coffee out  together since last March.  The Village was stuffed with people and there was nowhere to park.  The cafes which can only seat people outside have taken over many of the parking spaces and it seems to have worked…the tables were all full!  We headed to Ashton Court estate instead and ended up having lunch outside at their very well organised café. I went inside to order and was yelled at!  NO!  Wait outside until we call you please was the request.  Excellent provision of safeguards all round and we felt happy to sit in the sun eating our mushrooms and avocado on toast.  Another first!

On Saturday we had an early dinner with friends and arrived at their place outside at 5:30 in an attempt to beat the cold, and we stayed until 10:00!  What a treat!  They  purchased a standalone electric halogen heater and it made the evening possible. We plan to buy one of those as well.  They don’t take a great deal of energy apparently and does make socialising possible. I will have to swallow my concern about the environmental impact of heating outside as there isn’t an option at the moment of seeing people without some warmth.  

Sunday was the final day of wonderful firsts!  We visited the family.  What a treat.  Sitting outside together even though we were all huddled under blankets was a joy.  There were hugs…but don’t tell anybody… We are all vaccinated and the granddaughter who isn’t is getting tested at least twice a week at school.  The family also did a lateral flow test before we arrived. 

These moments of unlocking are the best.  Hope that you too are able to meet with family and friends and that life is beginning to open out.  It does seem such a long time doesn’t it? 

I leave you with some funnies….

Randy Rainbow reminds us of two guys still in the American Senate who really ought to go….

The Best line from Line of Duty to date…who do you reckon said it?

And more from the same person….

And for those of you who have been watching Line of Duty Series Six ends on Sunday.  When asked whether or not there is to be a series seven, the BBC allegedly responded with, “No Comment.” 

Have a great weekend and week and see you next Friday! Whatever you get up to…enjoy!

With love

Kathy x