Day Three Hundred and Ninety-eight

Feest Isolation Days –16 April 2021

The first two or three leaves have appeared on the beech tree at the bottom of the garden!  There are about a zillion more to come but seeing those first ones is always special.  Why did those arrive first?  What made them the rugged individualist leaves that would grace the tree days before the next ones popped into life?  Who knows?  They are currently alone as the rest of the buds are still preparing to become leaves. In time those first leaves will merge with the others as the tree fulfils its destiny and they will be lost among all the many others. For now, though, they are it.  Pretty special!

Being first at anything is usually fun!  Somehow or other I was the first person having my hair cut at my Salon this week. The first time since last Autumn.   It felt odd and great at the same time.  Wearing a mask while having one’s hair cut is strange. And it was freezing!  Both front and back doors were open to keep that all important air circulating to keep us all safe.  My hairdresser and I threw caution to the wind and hugged when we saw each other.  It’s been SUCH a long time!  I was first of the day, we both had masks on and there was that circulating air.  To be honest, I didn’t think of any of that, and I suspect he didn’t either, we just greeted each other the way that seemed to come naturally to us both.

The world is gradually, slowly, slowly, unlocking.  We in Britain are doing better than many countries, and here in Bristol the figures are really good. Only one person in 6000 has the virus.  That feels safer and safer.  The vaccine count here is high, too.  Nearly 65% of those over 16 have been jabbed in the Southwest. We also have the lowest hospitalisation from Covid rates in the entire country.  All these measures mean life is returning to something akin to normal.  Not normal, but moving in that direction. 

We still aren’t allowed to go into other people’s houses, I haven’t yet rejoined the gym, so I haven’t started swimming yet, but those second vaccinations as well as the next bit of unlocking are in sight. Terry has his second jab today, and mine is in two weeks. 

It is interesting watching what people are getting up to and what they missed the most.  The shopkeepers are delighted that people were queuing around the block on day one to get into many of the shops. Primark did a rip-roaring trade!  As did every pub and restaurant with an outdoor seating area.  Although it has been cold, people bundled up and sat outside with up to five other friends and enjoyed the camaraderie.

It is still necessary to organise life, the spontaneous visit to a pub or even to a National Trust property is not yet possible.  You can’t casually wander into a coffee shop and sit down and have breakfast.  Yet. We all have to continue to be careful.  The virus is still circulating.  There are variants around. Things are shifting though!

The next big unlocking takes place on the 17th May.  That’s the date when people from separate households are finally allowed to stay together inside a house. We will be on holiday at a holiday home and friends will join us for a night together. We might even manage to have lunch in a pub by then.  It will be legal and we will just have to wait and see how we will feel about it at the time.   

Some people are moving forward faster than others, and some of us are still maintaining an abundance of caution.  Whatever works for you works.  The roadmap is a plan not a decree that thou must…fill in the blanks. We all need to be careful as we change our behaviours. The last thing we want is to get this unlocking wrong!

On Saturday the funeral of Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh will take place. It seems to me that the Duke was a unique and special person.  If he was a leaf, he would no doubt have been the first to be seen on the tree.  To Philip, thank you for your service and may you rest in peace.

Take care, stay safe and see you next week.

With love,

Kathy x