Day Three Hundred and Forty

Feest Isolation Days –17 February 2021

Celebrations! The editor celebrated his birthday yesterday and here we are once more doing unLockdown friendly things in Lockdown!  There will be no days away, no breakfasts, lunch or dinner out in the world. No gathering of friends and family.   But we manage.  The weather is warmer, we have kids who have all sent gifts and called and my key workers from Amazon and Royal Mail have delivered birthday packages!  Everything was wrapped and waiting for the oldish man to wake…

And of course I baked a cake…

And made dinner…

Well some of it!  The birthday boy himself had to make the crown roast of lamb because that’s out of my comfort zone, and well in his. 

Suffice to say we had a lovely day and a special time. Thanks for joining us.  It’s great to know you are all there even if you can’t be here, or we there!

Life is what you make it and we sure do our best. 

Take care, stay safe and enjoy!

With love,

Kathy x