Day Three Hundred and Twenty-seven

Feest Isolation Days – 4 February 2021

We sat on the swing with our morning drinks in total sun!  We went to Judges Bay and Dove Myer park in Auckland.  We are so fortunate to have been there so often that we could jointly visit the place again and almost smell the roses in the rose garden and certainly hear the birds in the little secret garden tucked away around the corner from the main rose garden. The Nancy Steen Garden.  It’s strange knowing places so well that they can so easily come to mind. Our visits everywhere at the moment take place in our minds.  Just as well we filled up with plenty of good stuff through the years so we have it at our disposal now.

The Nancy Steen Garden. I can hear the birds! 

Staying with the Southern Hemisphere for the moment, poor Perth!  They are in a lockdown and now have raging fires to contend with as well. As if Covid wasn’t enough!  Let’s hope they manage to come safely through both of these events.  Not a nice memory for any of those affected to have.

Covid does seem to be rearing its ugly little head a bit here.  A new variant has been discovered in Bristol and Liverpool to add to the South African and Kent variants.  That is what these viruses do…they mutate. 

We have to keep up the vaccinations and drive down the disease. The fewer people who get it the fewer variants will be around. 

Some great news on the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccination front!  Studies have shown that their vaccination does indeed have an effect on transmission. That means that as well as protecting the person jabbed, it will also protect others because the vaccinated population won’t pass on the disease.  The study done at Oxford also showed that the vaccine offered a 76% effectiveness from a single jab for 12 weeks.  The effectiveness increased to 82% protection when the second jab is then given.  With nearly 10 million people in the UK now inoculated, this is indeed very good news.  Let’s hope the vaccinators can keep up the marvellous work. 

In the meantime, we will continue to remain as cautious as ever and hope you will, too!  Nice as it is to think about NZ, I’d really like to head back there for real and be there this time next year.  We all live in hope.

Stay safe!

With love

Kathy x