Feest Isolation Days – 5 February 2021
I made a boo-boo yesterday. Isn’t that a great word? A boo-boo. Now where does that come from? It’s an American phrase. The Brits would use the word boob or clanger in its place. A boo-boo, according to Merriam Webster, is a small injury or a slight mistake. My boo-boo was indeed a slight mistake. I haven’t written a letter for months. At least I put that right – no boo-boo there. I sent a few Christmas cards I suppose but letters? Emails and texts and What’s Ap are a daily occurrence, but letters? Nah. Except yesterday I sent an article and a few pieces of a special kind of paper that I found in my never used anymore wallet to my son. I hope he gets them. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope! I don’t know what I was thinking. I placed everything in the envelope then sealed it with some extra tape as the sticky stuff wasn’t sticking and put it aside. Later in the evening, I walked the 100 yards or so to the post box and popped it in. While speaking to our son on the phone later I remembered. No stamp! My boo-boo.
I wrote a nice note to the postman and stapled onto the pink paper a couple of stamps that could easily be removed – those new fangled ones that you don’t have to spit on to make them stick – and popped the note in the box. From the sounds of things I don’t think there were many other letters in the box. We shall see what happens. If he noticed his note and is feeling kind he’ll no doubt put the stamp on the envelope. If he doesn’t or isn’t I suspect it might cost my son to receive his letter. And I didn’t put a return address on it either. My boo-boo made me cry boohoo! Silly me! I suspect we are all making these sorts of mistakes at the moment. My husband told me he nearly did exactly the same thing. He got as far as the post box and just before he put his letter in, he remembered he didn’t put a stamp on it. Good to know I’m not the only one! But he managed to come back home and get a stamp before it was sent. Oh well.
When things are not normal and you spend so much of the time thinking about what you might do or used to do or have done, these things are bound to happen. Have you done anything like this in lockdown? Or is it just me?
There was another Downing Street press briefing last night with Professor Chris Whitty and Boris. It was a good one. Earlier in the day, in London, Professor Whitty was verbally attacked as he queued outside a place where he went to buy his lunch sandwich by a young man. The teenage chap was filmed saying. “Oi! Big man what you saying. You lie. You’re a liar. You lie about the Covid 19 cases man. Come on man stop lying to the TV man.” The press asked Professor Whitty about it and his response was wonderful. He said, “The odd young lad showing off occasionally does happen. I don’t think anything of it all, and frankly, I was surprised it was picked up by the media at all. I’m sure he’ll become a model citizen in due course and much more like Captain Tom.”
What a guy! That’s Chris Whitty on the left…in case you didn’t know…
The briefing was a good one. Boris was clear and set out his thinking on several issues that made sense. He didn’t duck and dive. The country has delivered ten million vaccines. The press have stopped being quite so hostile and many of them asked intelligent, interesting questions. Perhaps the tide is turning. Fewer boo-boos all round is no bad thing!
Stop Press! This is the response I had from the Postman…it did bring a tear to my eye. Not only did he stamp the envelope, but he put this through my door to tell me he had. Sweet!
Stay safe!
With love
Kathy x