Day Three Hundred and Fifty-six

Feest Isolation Days –5 March 2021

We had our Pilates last night via Zoom with Auckland.  Our teacher was already a bit jaded by the Lockdown – and that was on day three!! I pointed out that we were hitting day 356 and perhaps they should count their blessings.  But that’s the thing isn’t it?  Five days is tough!  You don’t have time to get into a routine, and you expect that life is going to be back to normal really soon – like another few days – so it’s just irritating. 

Lockdown is not as irritating anymore, it’s our life. Yes, it’s tedious and yes, we all want it to change, but somehow we’ve all found our routines.  Settling into them didn’t take too long did it?  After nearly a year there is a rhythm and a tempo to our life that.  Yes, it gets a bit samey, but our routines help us to enjoy the day more than I would have ever realised. Our daily breakfast together is often the same and then different on the weekends.  The sitting on the swing in all weathers and talking and enjoying the garden and the birds happens every day unless it is pouring.   The exercise classes.  The writing. For Terry the fishing.  We are fortunate because we each have the luxury of a room of our own.  Each of our studies belongs exclusively to us.  We populate it with what we want. Some days it gets messy and others it is tidied up.  No one comments on the state of the room we call our own.  Having that place that we can retreat to has been, for both of us, more important than I realised at first.   We have space.  We can retreat when we need to. 

In my sanctuary, music always features.  First thing I do in the morning after my stretches and movement, is put on RNZ Concert– Radio New Zealand classical station.  My companion throughout the day.  

Today I found a new – to me – concert pianist who is worth a listen.  He was the BBC young musician of the year in 2004 – when he was eleven. Last month he released a new album.  This is him in action with Chicago Symphony a few years ago, Benjamin Grosvenor – Liszt Piano Concerto No.2 in A Major.

Lovely interesting moments even in this lockdown life if you pay attention. 

Enjoy!  Stay safe. The pandemic isn’t over yet but we are getting there!

With love,

Kathy x