Day Fourteen

Feest Isolation Days – 28 March 2020

Boris our Prime Minister has it, as does Matt Hancock the Health Minister. The Chief Medical Officer is also self isolating with symptoms. And on it goes. Let’s hope it doesn’t cause them too much grief.  Our son in London has it, as does one of his two flatmates. He is self isolating in his room with his meals brought to him and left outside his door by his healthy flatmate.  Sensible to choose your mates wisely!

Yesterday was a day of deliveries. Our sweet nextdoor neighbour brought us some bread, apparently she received more than she could fit into her freezer and was distributing them around to we “elderly”.  Reg the Veg arrived again with a box of fruit and veg and flowers. Thank heaven for Reg the Veg!  Each day they plan to supply thirty boxes of veg and fruit of their choice and twenty boxes filled with specific orders from their customers.  I’m not ready to give up choosing what vegetables we’ll eat so am delighted that we are one of the lucky twenty! Long may that last.

Peter, our butcher brought fish, eggs, cheese and oh yes meat!   We are well stocked for awhile. He stands in the garden and talks to us for a time as we remain safely inside; Terry in the upstairs window, and me in the downstairs window like a scene from a play.  Peter tells us some of what is happening in the outside world.  Although people are no longer meant to travel for their allotted exercise, some still are getting into their cars and travelling.  Although he hasn’t seen evidence of this being enforced, In Devon and Cornwall police have set up road blocks and are stopping people from travelling.  He says stores are packed with people, if not all the goods, and the veg shop down the road from his butcher shop is no exception. They tried delivering but couldn’t cope when they had seventy requests the first day. The manager shut the shop for a bit but has now reopened and sells just from the shop floor which means long queues. Peter’s shop is set up so people can’t come in and loiter,  There are two people serving from just inside the front door. He’s thought it all through and has two people working at the back, one chap whose wife is having a baby in May, so he has kept him away from the customers just in case. Having a conversation face to face has become a treat.

Our day includes many conversations, but all by face time or telephone or skype.  Yesterday I spoke to seven people on the phone which totalled about three hours.  Plenty of emails are keeping us connected with people. What’s App and text messages also add to the mix, so our social lives continue to be active, just different. 

The piece of halibut Peter delivered was so magnificent Terry brought it to my study to show me! He then turned it into a delicious Chez Feest exceptional meal. We had figs to begin.  Life in self isolation can be delicious.

My exercise bike and I are well acquainted, and I haven’t missed a day for ages.  The mat work is also getting easier to do as my body begins to realise there are not going to be any walks for awhile, so might as well settle into these Pilates and yoga moves for now. 

Terry and I are fortunate as we have each other, and our routines before this isolation began have expanded as going into the outside world has ceased. Three or four times a day we sit together outside with a cup of tea and devices are not allowed.  The experts advising on how to stay calm and not let the situation grind you down all seem to agree that time like that is well spent.  They suggest that staying centred and “in the moment” helps. Several years ag,o while flying to somewhere or other on Virgin, I discovered Meditainment, a guided story that’s both relaxing and uplifting. Meditation and entertainment. Perfect!  For the past several years, I have listened to these tales on and off and they are now freely available. I recommend them for twenty minutes of real relaxation and a time to drift into a very pleasant place! Here’s to venturing outside while staying in our own minds……..

Have a great weekend.  I miss the Saturday market.  And walks. And swimming.

Time for something funny….


With love

Kathy x

One thought on “Day Fourteen”

  1. Hi Kathy

    Am loving your blog. Thanks for the dance, Gloria Gaynor sure lifts you up.

    The kauri is giving me enormous smiles as I can see it from our bedroom window.

    You are getting better food delivery than we are.

    Lots of love

    Jules xxx

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