Day Four

Feest Isolation Days – 18 March 2020

Some days are more difficult than others and other people’s problems hit you and you just cry.  I’m one of those people. I cry when I am emotionally upset.  Like my Baba.  My grandmother on my Mother’s side was someone who cared deeply about the plight of others and when upset she cried.  I think it’s genetic.  Yesterday I thought about my Mother and my Baba, both long deceased.  How would they have coped with this? Baba would have been worried for sure, and my own Mother? As she died nearly forty years ago it’s hard for me to remember.  There would have been a sense of humour involved though, of that I have no doubt.

So let’s start with some laughter today! 

Be careful when you self isolate……

Today is not a day for tears but laughter and thanks.  We are beginning to get ourselves sorted out.  Two neighbours have kindly offered help we might need.  Thank you! The village veg shop, Reg the Veg is going to deliver our fruit and vegetable needs.  Needs?  I put gordal olives on the list!  Now if you can’t find the humour in that there is no hope….

Until tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.

Here’s another one to keep you smiling….

Thanks to Naomi for those!

With love

Kathy x