Day One Hundred and Seventy-four

Feest Isolation Days – 4 September

I’ve avoided it for as long as I can. I’ve talked about our lovely holiday and shared some fun.  It’s time. I need to get this off my chest and then maybe I’ll leave it for the longest time.

Speaking of the longest time, here’s a quarantine choir from Canada singing just that!   Thanks to Don in San Fran for sending this one across.

Okay. Trump.
Like many other people I think about the possibility of him having another term in office and quiver. There is no way that anyone with an ounce of integrity can think this man is the right person to be the leader of the free world can there? Remember that phrase? The Leader of the Free World!   He has lied and lied and has brought America to a dark place.  The worrying thing?  The quivering making concern?  That there is even a question about the likelihood of his getting back into office. How can so many Americans think he’s the right man for them? 

My father was a Republican most of his life and finally crossed the floor over Guantanamo Bay. I remember him saying that America didn’t fight World War Two so that we could treat people like that. He would be aghast at what has been unleashed upon America. Dad was a man of law and order. He worked in a federal prison.  I will never forget when I was a young teenager and he was about to take a few prisoners somewhere in his car. For some reason or other he asked me to help him clean it.  They are prisoners – I’d said, not wanting to bother – why does the car need to be cleaned?  Because it’s the first time they’ve been in a car for years was his reply. Dad’s version of law and order wasn’t always mine, but he would never side with police who shoot and murder. Or a man who’s a thug and a mobster

and is allowing the worst of America to rise up. They have always been there, the thugs and the rednecks.  Somehow I always believed there would be a handbrake on to stop them from their excesses.  They hate Socialists…John Steinbeck spoke about these things and is paraphrased as saying, “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” They may not have been his exact words, but they capture something important that may go some way to explaining the antipathy to “socialism.”

Let’s hope that the Biden Harris team will appeal to enough people who can see through the flimsy curtains of the White House and whose votes will be counted. This cartoon sums up exactly where I think Trump is and what he is doing. 

Thanks especially to the cartoonist Duff Morris for this.  Perfectly captures the mood…and he drew it a year ago!

It’s going to be a long few months before the votes are in…  In the meantime, we all have lives to be getting on with and in these worrying times we all need a few more laughs than ever before. 

My favourite steps in once again….

Randy Rainbow!

That’s enough from me about the election for a bit.

This one from the western Australian philharmonic is also a good antidote. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend and see you again on Monday.

With love,

Kathy x