Feest Isolation Days – 4 April 2020
Saturday used to mean going to the market and eating the most wonderful croissants ever- brought to us by the people at Farro. The queues around the stall in the middle of our local market on Apsley Road suggests we weren’t the only family who loved these delicious weekly treats. Sadly, the Farro website says they are trying to figure out what to do at the moment and will be closed until further notice until they have a plan. There are only two bakers! The picture on their website of a young man with a never-ending smile means, hopefully, that the two of them will be able to figure out some way to carry on baking. I hope so!
We watched the National Theatre production of Two Guvnors on Thursday and in my gloomy mood yesterday I forgot to mention how funny it was. Honestly, we laughed till we cried. The opening scene didn’t grab either of us and I wasn’t sure that it was going to translate from the theatre to our living room, but by ten minutes or so in, we were hooked. It’s slapstick and may not be to everyone’s taste but we loved it. The dining scene is a tour de force! (Surely “Tour de Farce”! – Ed)
Hmmm. What is it about food today? Last night was Friday and so it was a dining room meal. We had lamb with rhubarb and mint and poached plums for desert. The candles were lit and the wine was poured. These routines aren’t so bad really are they?
For the past two days the Health Minister, Matt Hancock – or as Terry calls him the Prime Minister in Waiting – has been chairing the Number Ten press briefings. He answers all the questions, has a clear strategy and agrees that they may not get it all right, but the plan is in place. He has been off with the virus and has returned full of energy and vigour. The people around him are articulate and honest and it is refreshing to see. The Tories are not the Tories at the moment. Thank heaven. He wiped out over a billion pounds of NHS debt, in addition to all of the other plans now in place, and that didn’t even make the headlines. Strange times indeed. There will still be frontline workers not yet tested, or properly gowned up in PPE, but there is hope for the future. Matt’s honesty and humanity is evident.
Contrast him to the in a spot of bother Health Minister in New Zealand. The PM there must be spitting tacks. The Health Minister jumped into his car with his bicycle and went off to a mountain bike park so he could get some exercise. Not a good example. Bet they have a new Health Minister soon!
A bicycle sound treat for you today. Enjoy!
And greetings from dinner last night.
Kathy x
Magnolia looking lovely as ever in your pic – owners not so bad neiver….
It is so good to see you guys! Thank you for posting this blog Aunt Kathy! It is great to hear about what you and Terry are doing!