Feest Isolation Days – 14 May
What is one of your best memories about the past few weeks? Is there something that happened to you, or that you did that made you feel so tip top you wanted to shout to the rooftops? Come on, there must have been! Even though we may have problems (and some of them may have nothing to do with coronavirus), there must be something that springs to mind?
One of mine was the first time I realised that I could keep in contact with everyone! I didn’t have to become a hermit, I could reach out, try to stay connected and be in touch with my many friends, sharing the thoughts as I would in other times over a coffee, or a meal. Realising that I could keep in touch no matter what else was happening, made me feel alive and happy. I know we’re connecting because many of you keep reading these musings and tell me so. It is a lovely memory of the coronavirus time that I will not forget. Inspired by the sharing, it has enabled me to keep on writing other words that I have wanted to for years. I have been writing things down since I could hold a pen though if the truth be known!
Several years ago I was hospitalised and really unwell (it was not a good time, Terry was immobile elsewhere with a slipped disc). I wrote an article that eventually found its way to the Chief Execs office and appeared in a hospital publication. You never know where musings will end up. I thought I’d share that story with you today. As it’s a few pages long, I’ll leave you with that today and see you tomorrow. It’s called “We’re All in This Together”. Seemed apt!
And finally….
With love,
Kathy x