Day Seventeen

Feest Isolation Days – 31 March 2020

It seems to me it’s easier to stay happily at home when the sun shines and there’s a bit of warmth outside instead of when the wind blows and it’s chilly. Sitting outside in the garden three or four times a day does make a difference!  However, in order to sit outside at the moment with our cups of tea, we have to bundle up so there are fewer excursions into the outside world.

I have seen many complaints online from young people who couldn’t get slots for grocery deliveries and I must admit it made me cross.  Seeing totally healthy, young folks not going to food stores means that oldies like us can’t get a delivery.  Taking into account youngsters who are buying for older folks, there are still too many just getting home deliveries!  Perhaps all the supermarkets need to set aside some delivery slots for oldies.  Yes, there are queues, but I’m told it doesn’t take more than twenty minutes, usually far less, to get in the supermarket door and do the self distancing shop.  Oldies are more at risk.  Full stop. Period.  Maybe the kids don’t have warm clothes to wear as they stand outside?

We’ve been told over the weekend and again today that we are going to be at home for a long time to come.  Probably until the Autumn.  That’s a sobering thought, but also freeing. It means we can all begin to make some longer term plans.  Instead of staying stuck without some information to guide us on how long we’ll be here for, we now have a pretty good idea of when we’re likely to return to something that may sort of resemble normal.  What will we have accomplished by then?  Our most important goal must be to return to the world as was in good mental health with fit bodies.  Whatever you do, and whatever goals you set, that’s got to be top of the list.  Everything else comes after that.

Be careful what you get up to though!  Spare a thought for the poor astrophysicist who was trying his best.  I don’t think this chap got a first at Uni…..


With love

Kathy x

aka “Grumpy of Clifton”

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