Feest Isolation Days – 24 July
Some fun today! I haven’t done any word games for awhile so today is a day for just a few – what’s the definition? Get your pencils out. Are you ready? Then we shall begin…
These are for those of us who love words and are usually convinced we know their meaning. See how you do…
1) fastidious
Awkward Particular Abnormal
2) eldritch
Convincing Desperate Weird
3) fiat
Error Decree Acceptance
4) otiose
Useless Delicate Additional
5) coruscate
Sparkle Fade Burn
Easy peasey eh? Apparently this is good for our brains. I didn’t get them all right. However, I learned something new and extended my vocabulary. It is never too late to learn anything at whatever age. I’m reminded of the story about the woman who was 90 plus. She said she had wanted to take up the violin at the age of 70 but thought she was too old. When she was asked in her nineties about any regrets she had, she said, I could have been playing the violin for over twenty years by now and I never started.
I have a great picture for you that I have discovered is not photo shopped but a real snap of something that actually occurred. However, the caption is not accurate. Can you discover what is not quite right about the description of the picture? Answers to both word quiz and picture below.
Quiz answers are b, c, b, a, a.
Photo answer: The picture actually dates from 1958, during the Algerian War ( a war for independence waged against French forces in Colonial Algeria). The donkey was starving and rescued by a member of the French Foreign Legion. The soldier carried the animal back to base and the company nursed it back to health and became their mascot. They named him Bambi.
Shame the landmine story wasn’t true. I think rescuing a donkey from starvation and nursing it back to health in the middle of a conflict is still a wonderful thing to have done. It may not fit the current narrative as well as the caption someone came up with, but it certainly gives us food for thought.
Enjoy your weekend.
Wash your hands, socially distance and wear your mask if you need to! Remember from today wearing a mask in shops and on transport has become law in the UK!
With love,
Kathy x